Our Story

We Have One Goal

"To be the Caribbean's leading Social Enterprise impacting agri-business communities across the Caribbean and being a catalyst for the preservation of our Caribbean food heritage"

How We Started

Most businesses in the Caribbean begin operations from a need position and the start of Smart Foods Caribbean (formerly Smart Nuts Limited) was no different.

What started as a need for gas money for the car, has now turned into a family owned, people-focused, agro-processing company.

Our Mission

It Simple:  “To take the best tasting, authentic, natural Caribbean foods and flavours to the world”

At Smart Foods Caribbean we love and cherish the opportunity of being able to feed familites especially in an environment where over nourishment and under nourishment are social issues.  We know that the foods that we eat impact our health therefore we work hard to ensure that our products are clean, safe and nutritious.

Made With Love

We have an unusual rule in our business that make new employees uncomfortable.  It is, “We do not make any product upset”.  Nope! We do not.  If any member of staff comes to work upset, sad, showing depressed systems, we immediately enquire and work to make the team member comfortable to work.  We have learnt that our feelings and emotions transfer into everything we do.  We want you to feel happy when you consume or products so we do our best to make it with LOVE.

Darilyn Smart

Managing Director

The Smart Foods caribbean Team

Darilyn Smart

Darilyn Smart

Darilyn is the owner of Smart Foods Caribbean Limited and is responsible for Corporate Administration and Strategic direction of the Company. In addition she functions as the Principal Consultant and Agri-Business Productivity Improvement Coach at Salt Consulting Caribbean where she assists businesses with adopting and implementing procedures, systems, processes and tools in small agri-business firms. Mrs. Smart’s passion is to see women in business grow from the home kitchen to the “World at large

Jerome Smart Photo2

Jerome Smart

The founder of Smart Foods Caribbean Limited, Jerome started this company selling fried peanuts and preserves to his colleagues at work. In 2014 he passed on the company to his wife, Darilyn and assumed the responsibilities of Production Manager where he uses his technical skills in Planning to coordinate the Company’s production systems.

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