Our blog
3 ways to make Non Alcoholic Soaked Fruits
Christmas for some “is the most wonderful time of the year”. In the Caribbean it’s a time for family and friends, for reconnecting and making ...
Our Tried and Proven Recipe for the Caribbean Black Fruit Cake
Our Tried And Proven Recipe For The Caribbean Black Fruit Cake
Soaked Fruits
Since we started commercially making Soaked Fruits for Caribbean Fruit Cakes in 2012 this blissful ignorance was cured with knowledge. I want to encourage you ...

Made With Love
We have an unusual rule in our business that make new employees uncomfortable. It is, “We do not make any product upset”. Nope! We do not. If any member of staff comes to work upset, sad, showing depressed systems, we immediately enquire and work to make the team member comfortable to work. We have learnt that our feelings and emotions transfer into everything we do. We want you to feel happy when you consume or products so we do our best to make it with LOVE.
Darilyn Smart
Managing Director